My year with October 7

My flight back from Israel to Amsterdam took off on October 6th, 2023. The next day came the news.

Till now, I have avoided watching any of the videos or still images relating to that horrible day, and to what has happened in the Middle East during this horrible year. 

What good does it do, and to whom, when we’re exposed to the horrors?

For me, the answer is clear: In war regions, look out for the politicians. They need wars. Without wars, they have no jobs.

And to that end, they pit us against each other, they lie to us, and in the guise of war, enrich themselves, and build secure walls – physical and political – between them and us.

Israeli democracy was kidnapped by one arch-criminal, who surrounded himself with petty-criminals. They used democratic laws to do that. And they were not the first. It’s done before in the last century, with devastating results, all over the world. It is still done in this century in an increasing number of once-democratic countries, all over the world.

How will it end? Where will these phenomena take us?

And how can this process be reversed? Can it?

A dream of a country

I was born into a dream of a country, in which, though we were surrounded by enemies, we all knew that our government was taking care of us, that our army is moral, strong, and undefeatable.

The Yom Kippur war shuttered that dream for me. Arrogant politicians let our country be exposed to our enemies’ attacks. I felt – and I was not alone – that our government did not respect the contract they made with us, the citizens.

And I was not alone thinking that I’d rather live my life, and not risk it for someone else’s benefit. Well, if only we would all do that, friends and foes alike…

Most of my family members in Israel live there in denial. Being fed the information that the criminal government wants them to have. They still are sure that Israel is the only safe place for the Jews. They are made to think that Jews and Israelis abroad are constantly under threat and attacks. 

Seeking a better life

But with the new media of communication, social, digital; with the gradual awakening of people to recognize the lies; numerous Israeli families are fleeing from Israel, seeking a better life, seeking a future for their children.

Criminal governors don’t care. Après moi, le déluge!*

Demonstrations, Facebook and WhatsApp groups, newspaper articles, be they as innumerable as they may be, don’t change the fact that Israeli democracy has been kidnapped, and it won’t be readily released.

‘Après moi, le déluge!’ Is it possible to bring the deluge already now?

*na mij de zondvloed

cover: beeldoorlog, collectie Bloom

Over Erga Netz 24 Artikelen
Erga Netz is a cultural entrepreneur, producer, actress, and author. Her debut novel Oh, Gulliver! (2023) is an historical, satirical, feminist, and at times, erotic novel, revealing what REALLY happened to Gulliver in his travel to Lilliput, and what did his loyal wife do in the meanwhile. Erga Netz is also part of the board of Stichting Rainbow, along Nir Geva and Sarah Whitlau, with Gilad Nezer as director and producer. In recent years we focused our activities on Israeli cultural and societal activities for the Israeli, Dutch Jews, and the general Dutch public.

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