
Orthodox Jewish thinkers on authentic religious belief in the modern world

In recent years the Jewish background of the French essayist Michel de Montaigne has attracted increasing attention, and rightly so. His motto, “que sais-je?” or “what do I know?”  perhaps better translated as “what do I really know?” or even better yet “how do I know?”  ‘How do I know’ goes to the heart of the way Jews have wrestled with their identities, morally and politically, not to mention religiously, long before Ja’akov went mano … [Lees verder]


Does Jewish weirdness need its own space? On the benefits of Limmud, and the No-State Solution of Daniel Boyarin

De Vrijdagavond vraagt een aantal sprekers op komende Limmoed Nederland een voorproefje te geven over hun lezing. Filosofiedocent Yonathan Listik trapt af.  Boyarin and Levinas on judeo-anarchist possibility My talk at Limmoed 2024 entitled The No-State Solution: Boyarin and Levinas on judeo-anarchist possibility will investigate the idea that Jewishness can be constructed as a non-nationalistic or even anti-nationalistic posture.  This is largely based on Daniel Boyarin’s last book The No-State Solution. The central argument of … [Lees verder]