The Future is around the corner, Israeli poetry, music and film

cover Israel Stage Festival

Shana Tova!

It is so good to renew our Israeli cultural events in NL. In a couple of weeks we’ll be bringing a weekend of music, story and song, with local musicians and actors. Key artist is Nathan Slor, a renown musician, son of the celebrated poetesse Tirza Atar, and grandson of the most prolific and beloved poet Nathan Alterman.

This is part of our on-going Israeli Stage Festival, aimed at bringing together the Israelis, Jewish and Dutch communities in NL.

Since the establishment of Stichting Rainbow (that recently celebrated 25 years of cultural creations), we’ve catered to tens of thousands of happy people in our public, of all ages. We’re pleased to do more, and we’re grateful for the support we get from numerous Dutch foundations.*

Nathan Slor is a musician on his own right, performing all over Israel. He’s also the son of Torza Atar, and we’ll get to see the documentary ‘Bird in the Room’, that tells about her tragic, short life.

The director, Ari Davidivich, will be preset at the screening (on October 14th, in Amstelveen) and will be available to Q&A following the screening. Nathan Slor will also be there, and he’ll sing to us some of his mother’s beloved songs. 

Tirza Atar was a poet, lyricist, translator, children’s writer, and actress. Her father was the beloved poet Nathan Alterman and her mother was the actress Rachel Marcus. Already as a child, she had many talents, and grew up to be an actress, a poet, a prolific translator, and a playwright.
Tirza Atar wrote several children’s books and songs that have become all-time classics.
She died in 1977, age 36, is tragic circumstances.
The documentary ‘Bird in the Room’ explores her life.

Tirza Atar

Nathan Slor, Yasmin Kedar and Suus Sizoo, October 15th, at 20:00

Gilad Nezer hosts Nathan Slor, Yasmin Kedar and Suus Sizoo, for a musical show with songs of Tirza Atar and Nathan Alterman. Nathan Slor will tell (in English!) about growing up in such a cultural family, the tragedy of his mother’s life and her relations with her father. 

The most known and beloved songs of Nathan Alterman and Tirza Atar will be performed by the group, with the Hebrew lyrics, alongside the translations into Dutch, projected on screen, so we can all sing along together.

Family Sunday with Israeli songs, October 16th, at 15:00

To top it all, on Sunday, October 16th, at 15:00 there will be a music and story show, for the whole family with Israeli songs of our childhood.

Gilad Nezer will host Nathan Slor, Yasmin Kedar and Erga Netz, and all sing and tell the beloved Israeli songs and stories. For all the info on this Weekend of Music, Story and Song (and Film!) visit Stichting Rainbow. 

* * *

* Dutch foundations who support us such as Maror, AFK, Prins Bernhard Culturfonds, VSBfonds, Cultuurparticipatie, FPK.

Stichting Rainbow is celebrating this year its 25th anniversary, 25 years of social and cultural activities. As part of the celebrations, I’m happy to share with you all the unknown stories about our projects – and the impact they created on people’s lives.

I’m Erga Netz, the initiator and director of Stichting Rainbow. In our early projects, I was the producer and editor and later became the director, too. You can enjoy watching our past productions here.

Stichting Rainbow is now headed by a board of 3 Israelis who live in the Netherlands: Nir Geva, Gilad Nezer, and Sarah Whitlau, and our activities in the past years focused on Israeli cultural and societal activities for the Israeli, Dutch Jews, and the general Dutch public.

Over Erga Netz 24 Artikelen
Erga Netz is a cultural entrepreneur, producer, actress, and author. Her debut novel Oh, Gulliver! (2023) is an historical, satirical, feminist, and at times, erotic novel, revealing what REALLY happened to Gulliver in his travel to Lilliput, and what did his loyal wife do in the meanwhile. Erga Netz is also part of the board of Stichting Rainbow, along Nir Geva and Sarah Whitlau, with Gilad Nezer as director and producer. In recent years we focused our activities on Israeli cultural and societal activities for the Israeli, Dutch Jews, and the general Dutch public.


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